Confirmation Of Retired Status - The Royal College Of Physicians


of Retired Status
If you are retired, or are about to become retired, please let us know. Just complete and return this form to the Royal
College Services Centre. As a retired Fellow, you retain the use of your designation and remain a member of the
Royal College. Should you return to practice, please let us know and we will change your membership category to
Active Fellow (note: Active Fellows must participate in the Maintenance of Certification Program and pay the
appropriate annual dues). Please note: to be eligible for Retired status, you must have relinquished your provincial
medical license. If you are retiring within the next three months, your form will be held for future processing based
on the retirement date indicated below. You will not be required to renew your Fellowship during this time.
Royal College I.D. No.: ______________
Declaration of Retired Status
By submitting this form, I declare that I am retired (or will be retired within the next three months) from all
medical or health-related professional activities, and I no longer carry a license to practice through a
provincial/territorial Medical Regulatory Authority.
Fellows in part-time practice or reduced-scope practice (such as surgical assisting) for which a license is
required must continue to participate in the Maintenance of Certification (MOC) Program and are not eligible for the
Retired category.
I am not working part-time or on a restricted scope of practice license.
Effective date of retirement:____________________
As a Retired Fellow of the Royal College, you:
remain entitled to use the FRCPC or FRCSC designation,
continue to receive the Royal College’s e-newsletter, Dialogue and other timely communications,
are eligible to participate in the Royal College’s $1 million per year awards and grants program, either as a
nominator or recipient,
can influence the direction of specialty medicine by serving on committees and exam boards,
can stand for elected office, vote at the annual members’ meeting, and offer perspectives through surveys
and committee activities,
are not required to participate in the Maintenance of Certification program, and
pay no annual dues.
Please note: Although retired Fellows are not required to participate in the MOC Program, you will continue to have
access to MAINPORT and given a retirement MOC cycle. If you return to practice and your Royal College status is
changed back to active within one year, your MOC cycle will continue from its original start date. If you return to
practice later than one year, you will be given a new active MOC Cycle, which will start on the date you return as an
active Fellow.
Contact information
To ensure you continue to receive member correspondence from the Royal College, please provide us with your email
and other contact information.
Residential Mailing Address:
Telephone: _____________________
Fax: _____________________
Please print and send by mail, email or fax.
Royal College Services Centre
Telephone: 1-800-461-9598 or 613-730-6243
Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
Fax: 613-730-2410
774 Echo Drive, Ottawa ON (Canada) K1S 5N8


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