Bill Writing Guide - Florida Model Legislature Page 4


Step 3. Saving As and Submitting a Bill
Your bill is complete! Before submitting your bill, make sure to check spelling and grammar. A sloppy bill will
reflect poorly on the author.
Save your bill in Microsoft 2003 or greater format (.doc/.docx)!!! This is vital to making sure your bill
receives corrections and is sent back to you in a timely manner. Please Title your bill to match the inside of
the document. If your Bill Title is “XYZ” Then your Document should be named “XYZ”. After you have
correctly saved the document,
fill out the bill submission
form, and submit your bill.
Step 4. Drafting Process
We will then go through a drafting process, where we will make sure your bill follows our guidelines and
make sure there is no overlap between the bills we have already received and your bill. We will also correct
spelling errors, misrepresented statutes and assign a Committee and Bill Number to your bill. We will not
change anything substantial in your bill! We will only clarify it if necessary. Upon finishing your draft bill,
we will either accept it as it is if it only has minor corrections, or we will send it back to you for correcting.
This process can take a while, so please remember to have patience. Once your bill is submitted, you must
have research to back your law; this is a perfect time to research.
Step 5. Resubmitting your Bill
Once you have finished our corrections, please resubmit your bill on our website and we will be in touch
with you with either more corrections, or a letter of bill acceptance.
Study Bill Format
Write Bill
Submit Bill
Bill Reviewed by
conference Staff
Accepted w/ minor
Sent back with to you w/
Placed online for debate
Redraft and Submit
Review Process


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