Independent Contractor Invoice/pay Sheet Template Page 2


Administrative  Standing  Rules  on  
Payments  to:  Independent  Contractors    
These   g uidelines   p rovide   M ANDATORY   i nstructions   a nd   p rocedures   f or   t he   c onduct   o f   d ressage   s hows   a nd  
all   e vents,   a ctivities   a nd   p rograms   c onducted   o n   b ehalf   o f   C DS.       A   c opy   o f   t he   i nvoice/pay   s heets   a nd   t he  
accompanying   “ independent   c ontractor   f orm”   w ill   b e   f orward   t o   t he   C DS   C entral   O ffice   w ith   t he   s how  
report   o r   w hen   r equesting   i nsurance   c overage   f or   c linics   o r   e ducational   e vents.  
ALL   C DS   D ressage   S hows,   C linics,   E ducational   a nd   S pecial   E vents  
DEFINITIONS:     A ll   i ndividuals   t hat   a re   c ompensated   f or   t heir   s ervices   t o   C DS   a re   c onsidered   “   i ndependent    
contractors”   I F   t hey:    
1)   p erform   s ervices/labor   a ssociated   w ith   t he   c onduct   o f   t he   s how   o r   e vent   a nd  
2)   a re   p aid   f or   t heir   e xpertise.      
Experts,   h ired   f or   d ressage   s hows,   c linics,   w orkshops   a nd   o ther   e ducational   o r   s pecial   e vents   t ypically   i nclude:  
1) Show   O fficials:   i nclude   j udge(s),   T Ds,   a nnouncer,   v et,   f arrier   a nd   a ny   o ther   p ersons   c ontracted   t o   p rovide   e xpert  
services   t owards   t he   c onduct   o f   t he   s how.  
2) Show   M anagement   T eam   M embers:   i ncludes   b ut   i s   n ot   l imited   t o   s how   m anager,   o ffice   ,   v olunteer   c oordinator,  
scorer,   r ing   s tewards,   e xhibitor/entry   m anager,   e tc.  
3) Event   T eam:   e vent   c oordinator,   c linician(s),   t eacher,   l eader,   o rganizer,   h ost,   a nd   a ny   o ther   p ersons   c ontracted   t o  
provide   s ervices   t owards   t he   s cheduled   a ctivity.  
1. Prior   t o   b eing   p aid,   a ll   i ndividuals   c ompensated   f or   “ services   a nd   o r   l abor”   b ased   o n   t heir   e xpertise  
performed   o n   b ehalf   o f   C DS   M UST   f ill   o ut   a nd   c omplete   t he   i nvoice/pay   s heet   i n   i ts   e ntirety   w ith   a ll   t he  
required   i nformation   i ncluding   s ignature   ( Form   R EV   3 -­‐2012SO).  
2. Prior   t o   b eing   p aid,   a n   a ccompanying   “ Independent   C ontractor”   a greement   m ust   a lso   b e   c ompleted   a nd  
signed.     T his   a greement   w ill   b e   a ttached   t o   t he   i nvoice/paysheet   a nd   b oth   d ocuments   w ill   b e   r etained   b y  
the   C DS   T reasurer   f or   a   m inimum   o f   3   y ears.   ( For   R EV   3 -­‐2012IC)     A   c opy   w ill   b e   g iven   t o   t he   C DS   C entral  
Office   w /the   s how   r eport.     N ote:   A   s pecific,   f ormal   c ontract   f or   j udges,   T Ds,   s how   m anagers,   e tc.   i s   a n  
acceptable   a lternative   t o   t his   f orm,   p rovided   i t   i s   c omplete,   s igned   a nd   i s   a ttached   t o   t he   i nvoice/pay  
3. Whenever   p ossible   p ayments   f or   “ services”   w ill   b e   m ade   s eparately   f rom   r eimbursement   o f   e xpenses   f or  
per   d iem,   t ravel,   p arking,   o r   o ther   a uthorized   e xpenditures.  
4. The   S how   M anager   o r   E vent   C oordinator   w ill   e nsure   t hat   a ll   t he   p roper   p aperwork   i s   c ompleted   a nd  
submitted   t o   t he   C DS   T reasurer   s o   t hat   1 099   f orms   c an   b e   p repared   a nd   t he   s igned   c opies   o f   t he  
independent   c ontractor   a greements   a re   k ept   o n   f ile.  
5. The   c urrent   C hapter   C hair   i s   t he   d esignated   s ignatory   o n   a ll   i ndependent   c ontracts.  


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