The clinical evaluation tools for the Advanced Health Assessment course reflect the School of Nursing
Organizational Framework and the National Organization of Nursing Practitioner Faculty Domains and
Competencies of Nurse Practitioner Practice (NONPF, 2000).
The School of Nursing Organizational Framework is based on the American Association of Colleges of
Nursing Essentials (AACN, 1998). These essentials include:
1. Professional Values (altruism, autonomy, human dignity, integrity, social justice)
2. Core Knowledge
a. health promotion, risk reduction, and disease prevention
b. illness and disease management
c. information and health care technologies
d. ethics
e. global health care
f. health care systems and policy
g. research
h. human diversity
i. theory
3. Core Concepts
a. critical thinking
b. communication
c. assessment
d. technical skills
4. Role Development (provider of care, member of profession, designer/manager/coordinator of care,
competent practitioner)
Advanced Health Assessment is the first clinical course in the Nurse Practitioner and Clinical Nurse
Specialist core courses. The major focus of this course relates to the Core Concepts: critical thinking,
communication, assessment, and technical skills. The Professional Values, Core Knowledge, and Role
Development essentials are applied in relation to developing advanced health assessment skills.
The student is required to complete the self-evaluation form both at midterm and at the completion of
clinical hours with examples of application of the Core Concepts. The student should review the
evaluation with the clinical faculty and both should sign the midterm and final evaluation. The student is
required to mail a time sheet and technical skills checklist (both signed by the preceptor) and the
completed student self-evaluation to the course faculty at designated due dates.
Form # 17- Student Self-Evaluation 634