Factors Affecting Enzyme Activity Page 3


Factors Affecting Enzyme Activity
However, if the concentration of the normal substrate is increased, reversible
Practice Questions
inhibitors are displaced from the active site and the normal enzyme substrate
complex can form (Fig 7).
1. Define the following terms:
Fig 7.
Effect of increased substrate concentration on
(a) induced fit hypothesis
(3 marks)
reversible competitive inhibition
(b) denaturation
(3 marks)
2. The graph show the effect of increasing substrate concentration on
the rate of an enzyme controlled reaction.
Substrate concentration
Example 1: arabinose competes with glucose for the active sites on
glucose oxidase.
Substrate concentration
Example 2: oxaloacetate, malonate and pyrophosphate all compete with
succinate for the active site of the enzyme succinate dehydrogenase.
(a) Explain the shape of the curve between points x and y (2 marks)
Example 3: an individual who swallows methanol is in danger of
becoming blind. This is because the methanol – which itself is not toxic
(b) Describe and explain the effect which a competitive reversible
– will be metabolised to formaldehyde which is extremely toxic and
inhibitor would have on the rate of this reaction
will cause blindness. At hospital, the individual will be treated with
(2 marks)
ethanol. The ethanol is structurally similar to methanol and will compete
with methanol for the enzyme’s active sites. Thus, the metabolism of
methanol is slowed down.
Semicolons indicate marking points
Non-competitive reversible inhibitors react with the enzyme but not at
1. (a) substrate approaches active site;
the active site. They change the shape of the whole enzyme, including the
causes shape of active site to change;
shape of the active site, hence the reaction cannot proceed and no products
allows formation of enzyme/substrate complex;
are formed on those enzymes (Fig 8).
products do not fit active site therefore diffuse away;
Fig 8. Effect of increased substrate concentration on non-
(b) loss of quaternary/tertiary structure;
competitive inhibition
loss of active site/permanent change in shape of active site;
enzyme-substrate complex unable to form;
caused by above optimum temperatures/pH above or below
2. (a) substrate concentration is limiting factor;
as concentration increases more enzyme substrate complexes
(b) slow it down;
competitive inhibitor will occupy active sites;
reducing number of enzyme-substrate complexes;
Substrate concentration
(b) Irreversible inhibitors
Irreversible inhibitors bind covalently and permanently to the enzyme,
This Factsheet was researched and written by Kevin Byrne
preventing normal enzyme function. For example, Aspirin is an
Curriculum Press, Unit 305B, The Big Peg, 120 Vyse Street, Birmingham. B18 6NF
irreversible inhibitor of cycloxygenase, an enzyme involved in the
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synthesis of prostaglandins. Substances such as mercury, iron and
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arsenic bind irreversibly to the SH (sulphydryl) group on enzymes.
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ISSN 1351-5136


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