Teacher Purchase Request Form Page 2


* Complete form on reverse side.
* Form will not be accepted by the PTO if not signed by your building Principal.
* Form needs to be turned in to a PTO Board Member the Friday before the PTO meeting (PTO
meetings are generally the second Tuesday of each month) Forms can be turned into your schools office or
emailed to a PTO board member.
* At least one individual needs to represent the request at the PTO meeting in case of questions
or other concerns. The requests will be presented by the individual requesting at the beginning
of the meeting, so those that need to leave may do so.
* The PTO will either vote or table the request. A board member will be in contact with you.
* The PTO Treasurer will be making the purchase if approved due to tax exempt status.
* Electronic Purchases will have to be made by the District IT Department for insurance and
tracking information. Funds can be requested for Electronics, however pre-approval needs to go through the
District Technology Steering Committee first.
Any questions please contact one of the PTO Board Members that information can be found on the


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