Teacher Purchase Request Form


Purchase Request
The PTO funds various projects that benefit the students of the BRF Elementary and Middle Schools. Completion of this form will
help the PTO to allocate available funds. Submission of this request does not guarantee funding. Please note that the purchase of
items prior to project approval does not guarantee reimbursement.
Today’s Date:_____________________
Date Needed:_______________________
Requested By:________________________________________________________________
Total Amount Requested: $_______________________(include shipping/handling if necessary)
Briefly describe how this purchase will benefit your students:
The number of students benefiting from this request?___________________ (rough estimation)
Have you approached other sources for support? ______No _______Yes (if yes list sources)
To confirm that the school administration is aware of your application, please obtain a signature
from your building principal before submitting your request.
Principal’s Signature:______________________________ Date:_______________________
For PTO Use Only
Date Approved___________________________________
Amount Approved: $_______________
Request Denied
Request Tabled
PTO Executive Board Member Signature:______________________________________________________
PTO Executive Board Member Signature:______________________________________________________
Date Purchased:_____________________ Payee:_______________________________________________
Check #:_____________________
Credit Transaction


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