Model Cohabitation Agreement For Domestic Partners - Parties To Share Residence, Earnings And Accumulated Property - Support Provisions Page 8


party] shall contribute _____ percent to payment of the parties' total monthly living
expenses. These percentages shall be adjusted proportionately on any increase or
decrease in either party's earnings [Optional: but no more than once [or other
number of times] per year].
(b) Joint living expenses shall be paid from a joint checking account that the parties
shall open and maintain solely for the purpose of paying such expenses. The
expenses to be paid from the joint checking account shall be limited to:
_________________ [specify covered expenses, e.g., rent; food; utilities; telephone; renters'
insurance; joint entertainment; and joint gifts]. Neither party shall write a check on
the joint checking account established pursuant to this paragraph for any purpose
other than those specified in this paragraph without first obtaining the permission
of the other party.
(c) On _________________ [specify time, e.g., the first of each month], the parties shall
calculate their anticipated expenses during the upcoming month for joint living
expenses. Each party shall deposit [his or her] percentage contribution to the total
estimated joint monthly expenses in the joint checking account no later than
_________________ [specify, e.g., the fifth day of the month]. If the estimated amount
becomes insufficient, the parties will estimate the additional necessary amount and
deposit that amount in a similar manner.
2. Payments From Separate Property
(a) ___________________[Name of first party] shall pay from _____ [his or her] separate
property all of the following: ___________________ [specify, e.g., all maintenance and
replacement expenses for ______ [his or her] vehicle; all purchase and maintenance of
items of clothing; and all personal grooming expenses].
(b) ___________________[Name of second party] shall pay from ______ [his or her] separate
property all of the following: ___________________ [specify, e.g., all maintenance and
replacement expenses for ______ [his or her] vehicle; all purchase and maintenance of
items of clothing; all personal grooming expenses; and all expenses for the care and
feeding of _____ [his or her] pets].
(c) Each party will manage and control _____ [his or her] own separate property and
shall maintain _____ [his or her] own personal checking and savings accounts in
addition to the parties' joint checking account described in Paragraph 1(b).


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