Model Cohabitation Agreement For Domestic Partners - Parties To Share Residence, Earnings And Accumulated Property - Support Provisions Page 5


As used in this Agreement, the permanent separation of the parties means
that the parties have been regularly living apart in separate dwelling places for a
period of at least _________________ [specify period, e.g., one month] after one party has
notified the other in writing that [he or she] intends to cease cohabitation with that
10. Division of Property
On termination of this Agreement, the parties shall immediately divide their
jointly-owned property. The jointly-held property shall be divided equally, unless
otherwise agreed to by the parties. [Optional: In addition, _________________ (First or
Second) Party shall be entitled to [his or her] share in the increase in value of the
real property described in Paragraph 5.] [Optional: If the parties are unable to agree
on a division of their property, the parties agree to submit the valuation,
characterization, and division of their property to binding arbitration, as further
provided in Paragraph 11.]
[Optional Provision:]
11. Arbitration of Disputes
If the parties separate and are unable to agree on a division of their property
or on any other right or obligation under this Agreement, then they shall submit the
matter for resolution by arbitration to be conducted in accordance with the
provisions of this Paragraph. The parties shall jointly designate a person to act as
arbitrator. In the event that the parties cannot agree on the designation of an
arbitrator, the following provisions shall apply: Each party shall designate a person
to act as an arbitrator. The two persons designated by the parties shall then agree
on a third person to act as an arbitrator, thereby creating an arbitration panel of
three persons. Each party shall submit to the arbitrator or the arbitration panel, as
the case may be, a written statement regarding all issues in dispute along with any
relevant documents. In making his, her, or its decision, the arbitrator or the
arbitration panel, as the case may be, shall take into account all relevant facts and
circumstances. The decision of the arbitrator or the arbitration panel, as the case
may be, shall be binding on both parties. Each party shall pay _________________ [one-
half or specify other percentage] of the fees, if any, charged by the arbitrator(s) for
their services. However, any issue regarding the custody, visitation, or support of
any child born to the parties or adopted by them shall be submitted to a court of
competent jurisdiction.


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