Model Cohabitation Agreement For Domestic Partners - Parties To Share Residence, Earnings And Accumulated Property - Support Provisions Page 3


2. Support
First Party shall provide for all of Second Party's financial support until such
time as the Parties are no longer cohabiting pursuant to the terms of this
Agreement. This support obligation shall cease as of the date of the termination of
this Agreement pursuant to Paragraph 8. Each party waives and disclaims any right
to support from the other party after the termination of this Agreement.
3. Disclosure of Present Assets and Obligations
Each party has fully disclosed to the other party the full extent of all assets
presently owned and obligations presently owed by that party, as set forth in the
attached Exhibits ___________________ [specify exhibit numbers], which are incorporated
into this Agreement by reference.
4. Ownership of Jointly Owned Property
Except for the separately-owned property listed in Exhibit(s) ___________________
[specify exhibit numbers] to this Agreement, the parties shall hold all property,
including all property acquired during the period of their cohabitation under this
Agreement, equally as ___________________ [specify tenants in common or joint tenants
or tenants in common or joint tenants, as may be appropriate]. _________________
[Specify First Party or Second Party or Both parties] shall have [equal] management
and control of the jointly-owned property.
[Optional Provision:]
5. Sharing Increase in Value of Residence
_________________ [First or Second] Party presently holds sole title to the real
property described as _________________ [specify, e.g., a single-family dwelling], located
at ________________ [address], as more specifically described in Exhibit ___________________
[specify exhibit number]. This property will remain _______________ [First or Second]
Party's sole and separate property. However, the parties shall share _________________
[equally or specify formula or percentage for sharing increase] in any increase in the
value of this real property occurring on and after the date of this Agreement and
until the Agreement is terminated. On termination of the Agreement,
_________________[Second or First Party] will be entitled to receive [his or her] share in
the increase in the value of this property, within _________________ [specify period, or a
reasonable time]. [Add if desired: The parties agree that the present value of this real
property is $ _________________ or ________________ [First or Second] Party agrees to hire a
competent appraiser to establish the value of this real property as of the date of this


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