Model Cohabitation Agreement For Domestic Partners - Parties To Share Residence, Earnings And Accumulated Property - Support Provisions Page 2


The parties are unregistered domestic partners who desire to live together in
an unregistered relationship in which First Party financially supports Second Party,
and Second Party renders services to First Party as companion, housekeeper,
homemaker and cook. The parties desire to combine their efforts and earnings and
share equally the property accumulated through their individual or combined
The parties therefore agree as follows:
1. Sharing of Earnings, Services and Property
(a) First Party shall use best efforts through [his or her] personal services and skills
to generate earnings, salaries, commissions or other income sufficient to provide a
standard of living mutually acceptable to the parties.
(b) Second Party shall render services to First Party as companion, housekeeper,
homemaker and cook, and assume responsibility for related household tasks.
(c) The parties shall combine their efforts and earnings and shall share equally the
property accumulated through their individual or combined efforts, as further
provided in Paragraph 4.
[Use if support is to continue after parties' permanent separation:]
2. Support
First Party shall provide for all of Second Party's financial support,
commencing as of the date of this Agreement and continuing _________________ [specify
period, e.g., for the rest of Second Party's life, notwithstanding the parties'
permanent separation, as defined in Paragraph 9, or until _________________ [specify
period, e.g., one year after the parties' permanent separation, as defined in
Paragraph 9]. This support obligation shall, however, terminate on the first to occur
of any of the following events:
(a) the death of _________________ [specify either party or Second Party],
(b) the marriage of Second Party to a third person or the entry into a registered
domestic partnership by Second Party and a third person; or
(c) the cohabitation of Second Party with a third person.
[Use if support obligation is to cease on parties' permanent separation:]


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