Drug-Free Youth (D-Fy)
Business Partner Agreement
This agreement is between _________________________________________________ (hereafter
referred to as ‘business partner’) and Drug-Free Youth (D-Fy). D-Fy is a community initiative which
reinforces the positive and healthy choices of our youth, including a commitment to being drug, tobacco
and alcohol free. The business partner agrees to be a supporter of this initiative by offering the following
discounts to youth who present a valid D-Fy membership card from any local D-Fy chapter:
describe discount offered
In return, all local D-Fy Chapters will recognize the partnership of the business partner through visible and
concrete means including: providing a D-Fy window cling for display at business; and listing each partner
business in registry of partners on their websites, partner brochures and other printed material.
Additionally, business partners can note this partnership in their own printed materials, upon review by
the D-Fy Coordinating Council to assure the notation is in keeping with the D-Fy mission and values.
Additionally, resources and support will be provided to any business partner in their efforts to develop
drug-free workplace policies. This will be provided at no cost to business partners. All business partners
will be provided resources within year one of their partnership. All businesses that develop drug-free
workplace policies will be spotlighted both locally and regionally in press releases and special community
events. Additionally, this status will be prominently noted in the business partner registry as a “Walk the
Walk” partner.
This agreement is valid effective _______________ and is in effect as long as the D-Fy initiative exists.
Both parties have the right to terminate this agreement with 30 day notice, or immediately, should either
party be engaged in any activity which violates the mission and values of D-Fy.
Drug-Free Youth
Business Partner
Contact Name (printed)
Contact Email
card here
Contact Phone
Last revised 8/3/13