United P C Insurance Company South Carolina Windstorm Mitigation Page 2


8. Opening Protection: (check one)
_____ None- glazed openings not protected for impact resistance
_____ Tempered, heated, laminated or insulated glass without shutters
_____ Basic Storm Shutters- all glazed openings that meet the requirements of the
American Society for Testing & Materials (ASTM) standards ASTM E 1886 and
ASTM E 1996 for small missile impact testing (4.5 pounds)
_____ Hurricane Storm Shutters- all glazed openings protected to meet the requirements
ASTM E 1886 and ASTM E 1996 Standard Building Code SSTD 12 for large missile
impact testing (nine pounds)
I hereby certify that I am a Licensed Building Contractor, Registered Architect or an Engineer
in the State of South Carolina or a Building Code Official (who is duly authorized by the State of
South Carolina or its county municipalities to verify building code compliance). In my professional
opinion and based on my knowledge, information and belief, I certify that the above statements are
true and correct. This certification is intended only for the benefit of the named insured’s receipt of
a property insurance premium discount and for no other purpose.
Dated and signed this
day of
Print Name:
License Number: ____________________________ Phone: ____________________________


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