United P C Insurance Company South Carolina Windstorm Mitigation


United P&C Insurance Company
South Carolina Windstorm Mitigation Construction Certification
Named Insured: _______________________________________Policy #: _________________
Insured Location: ______________________________________Year Built:_______________
The following information must be included based on your review of the property:
1. Secondary Water Resistance: (circle one)
Yes* /
*Yes means this roof has self adhering polymer modified bitumen roofing underlayment (thin rubber or asphalt
sheets with peel and stick underside located beneath the roof covering) or foamed structural adhesive installed
over all roof deck joints to prevent water entry into the house after the roof covering itself fails.
2. Roof Cover: (check one)
______ NON-South Carolina Building Code (SCBC) Equivalent
______ South Carolina Building Code (SCBC) Equivalent
3. Roof Deck Attachment: (check one)
6d nails at 6”/12” spacing
8d nails at 6”/12” spacing
8d nails at 6”/6” spacing
____Dimensional Lumber & Tongue and Groove Decks
4. Roof to Wall Connection: (check one)
____Toe Nails
____Single Wraps
____Double Wraps
5. Roof Shape: (circle one)
HIP / Other
6. Door Strength: (check one)
____Reinforced Single Width Doors
7. Construction Code: (check one)
____IBHS Fortified Home
____ Other


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