Early Childhood Programs Toronto Page 5


Guiding Principles:
1. Confidentiality is important in establishing and maintaining trusting and lasting
relationships among parents/legal guardians and professionals.
2. Confidentiality is the cornerstone to ensuring that privileged information is accessible
only to those authorized to have access.
3. Confidentiality acknowledges respect for an individual's right to privacy.
4. Confidentiality assumes that those who pledge to safeguard confidential information
will do so.
5. When using open/shared space (staff rooms, hallways, cubicles, etc), privileged
information that may be inadvertently shared or overheard is respected and kept
As a ________________________________, (position/role) I will receive and have access to
confidential information about children and families. Except when required by law, this
information will be kept in the strictest confidence.
I understand that the discussion of personal information about children and families without
authorized consent is unethical.
I will abide by this Confidentiality Agreement to ensure respect for the privacy of children and
families at _____________________________________________________________
Name of School/Child Care/Family Support Program
Name of Staff Member
Signature of Staff Member
(Please print)


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