Security Deposit Demand Letter


Form 5:
Security Deposit Demand Letter
Certified Mail #_____________
Your name
Your address
Your landlord's name
Your landlord's address
Demand Letter Pursuant to Massachusetts General Law Chapter 93A
Dear Landlord:
As you know, I was tenant of yours at ____________________________ (address of the rental
unit). I moved out of the apartment on ______________ (date). I am writing this letter pursuant
to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 93A requesting compensation for security
deposit violations. Because you demanded and accepted a security deposit from me on (date)
of _________ dollars (amount of security deposit), you are required to comply with the security
deposit law, Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 186, §15B.
It has been over 30 days since my tenancy was terminated. However, you have not
returned the security deposit despite my repeated requests that you do so. Please be advised
that I am therefore demanding three times the amount of security deposit, plus interest, for
a total of ________ dollars, as provided for under G.L. c. 186, §15B (6)(e) and (7). This law
states in part:
(6) The lessor shall forfeit his right to retain any portion of the security deposit for any reason, or, in any
action by a tenant to recover a security to counterclaim for any damage to the premises if he:
(e) fails to return to the tenant the security deposit or balance thereof to which the tenant is entitled after
deduction therefrom any sums in accordance with provisions of the section, together with any interest
thereon, within thirty days after termination of the tenancy.
(7) If the lessor or his agent fails to comply with clauses (a), (d), or (e) of subsection 6, the tenant shall be
awarded damages in an amount equal to three times the amount of such security deposit balance thereof to
which the tenant is entitled plus interest at the rate of five per cent from the date when such payment
became due, together with court costs and reasonable attorney's fees.
Please consider this a demand letter pursuant to G.L. c. 93A so that I will expect a response
within 30 days. Your failure to do so can mean treble damages under the statute. Thank you in
advance for your cooperation.
(Your Signature)
500 • Form 5


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