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make a return to nature
Phillip Island Nature Park - Privacy Policy
Phillip Island Nature Park is committed to protecting any personal information as set out in the
Victorian Information Privacy Act 2000
The Privacy Policy applies to all areas of the Phillip Island Nature Park
Collection of Personal Information:
 Phillip Island Nature Park only collects information of a personal nature that is voluntarily
provided by you.
 Some areas may require you to provide personal information. This information is only
collected when it is necessary for the function or activity of the particular area
 Phillip Island Nature Park may collect anonymous information. Information such as date,
time and visit would be collected for statistical purposes only in order to improve our
Use of Collected Information
Any information collected from the individual is not disclosed for a secondary purpose but only for
the primary purpose unless;
 The secondary purpose is related to the primary purpose of the collection and, if the
personal information is sensitive information then only for the primary purpose of collection;
 The individual would reasonably expect the Phillip Island Nature Park to use or disclose the
information for the secondary purpose or
 The individual has consented to the use or disclosure
 Such disclosure is authorised by law
Data Quality
Phillip Island Nature Park will take reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information it
collects uses or discloses is accurate, complete and up to date
Data Security
Phillip Island Nature Park will take reasonable steps to protect the personal information of the
individual from misuse and loss, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure, and will take
reasonable steps to destroy or permanently de-identify personal information which is no longer
required for any purpose.


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