Form Sfn 58647 - Funeral Directors Worksheet For Completing A Facts Of Death Record Page 4

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SFN 58647 (10-2013)
Page 4
Enter the usual occupation of the decedent. This is not necessarily the last occupation of the decedent. Never enter “retired”. Give kind of
work decedent did during most of his or her working life, such as claim adjuster, farmhand, coal miner, janitor, store manager, college
professor, or civil engineer. If the decedent was a homemaker at the time of death but had worked outside the household during his or her
working life, enter that occupation. If the decedent was a homemaker during most of his or her working life, and never worked outside the
household, enter “homemaker”. Enter “student” if the decedent was a student at the time of death and was never regularly employed or
employed full time during his or her working life. Information in this section will not appear on the certified copy of the death
Kind of business to which occupation in item 54 is related, such as insurance, farming, coal mining, hardware store, retail clothing,
university, or government. DO NOT enter firm or organization names. If decedent was a homemaker as indicated in item 23, then enter
either “own home” or “someone else’s home” as appropriate. If decedent was a student as indicated in item 23, the enter type of school
such as high school or college in item 55. Information in this section will not appear on the certified copy of the death certificate.


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