Primecorp Confidentiality Agreement


the “Vendor” & PRIMECORP COMMERCIAL REALTY INC. (the “Advisor”)
Senior Housing, Greater Ottawa, Ontario (the “Property”)
The undersigned hereby acknowledges that it will be given access to certain information about the
Property and that it is being made available upon and subject to the terms hereof.
For good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the
undersigned hereby acknowledges and agrees that any information furnished to the undersigned,
whether before or after the date hereof, related to the acquisition of the Property and/or your security
rights therein is never to be used for any other purposes, nor is it to be made available or any
information contained therein disclosed, to any other persons, without the express prior written consent
of the Vendor. Provided, however, that any such information may be disclosed to such of the officers,
directors, employees and representatives and designated investors or proposed lenders of the
undersigned who need to know such information for the purpose of evaluating the acquisition of the
Property. (It being agreed that such persons shall be informed by the undersigned of the confidential
nature of such information and shall be directed by the undersigned to treat such information
confidentially and that, by receiving such information, they are agreeing to be bound by this
Agreement). The undersigned agrees to be responsible for any breach of this Agreement by the
undersigned or any of its officers, directors, employees, representatives, designated investors and
proposed lenders.
If for any reason, the acquisition of the Property does not proceed, or upon request of the Vendor, the
information applicable to the Property will be immediately returned to the Vendor together with all
copies thereof, if expressly permitted, and any summaries or notes, if any, made in connection with such
The documents, which is subject to this Agreement does not include information which has or becomes
generally available to the public, other than as a result of disclosure contrary to the terms of this
The undersigned further acknowledges that the summaries of any legal documents contained in the
documents are not intended to be comprehensive statements of the terms of such documents.
The undersigned further acknowledges and agrees that no warranty or representation is made by the
Vendor or Advisor, or any of their affiliates, subsidiaries, advisors or agents, as to the accuracy or
completeness of any information or summaries contained in the documents and that the documents are
subject to change and that the undersigned is solely responsible for satisfying itself with respect to the
contents and status thereof without reliance of any kind upon the Vendor or Advisor.


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