Sample Science And Technical Resumes Page 2


Box 0000, 1 Chapin Way, Northampton, MA 01063
978.937.2222 |
Smith College, Northampton, MA
Bachelor of Science, Engineering Science, emphasis in Mechanics
Expected graduation May 2014
GPA: 3.60
Relevant Coursework: Engineering Design Clinic, Simulation and Modeling, Signals and Systems, Technological Risk
Assessment, Statistics for Engineers, Mechanical Vibrations, Failure Analysis, Introduction to Hydrosystems Engineering
Technical: MATLAB, Minitab, Neural Networks, ARIMA modeling, familiar with C programming and AutoCAD
Languages: Fluent Spanish; Conversational Portuguese
Engineering Design Clinic, Smith College Picker Engineering Program (Sept 2012 - May 2013)
Project Sponsor: Kollmorgen Electro-Optical, Northampton, MA
Researched current Lean Design practices in engineering industries
Worked with 3 Design Clinic team members to analyze design processes, identify inefficiencies and
recommended improvements based on Lean Design principles
Co-managed $5,000 project budget, ensured all project deliverables were completed on-time
Collaborated extensively with Kollmorgen employees and management
Developed and presented project deliverables and final recommendations to project sponsor staff
Smith College Picker Engineering Program – Research Intern (June 2011 - May 2012)
Developed workshop for middle and high school teachers to teach about engineering design and ways to apply in
engineering principles in classrooms
Developed engineering activities for inclusion in novel to introduce engineering concepts to students grades 7-12
Co-authored ASEE conference paper and poster
Engineering Laboratory of Dr. Jack Jones, Smith College – Teaching Assistant (Sept 2010 - May 2011)
Prepared materials for professor and students for use in lab sessions
Assisted professor in answering questions and resolving issues during the laboratory
Curriculum Planning Committee, Smith College – Student Member (Sept 2010 - May 2011)
Organized logistics for and participated in meetings with faculty
Served as liaison between committee and student body
Society of Women Engineers (SWE) – Smith College Student Chapter (2012 - present)
Co-President (2012 - present); Vice President & Technology Director (2012 - 2013)
Served as liaison between Smith College faculty and administrators and SWE chapter members
Applied for grant and Student Government Association funding
Planned engineering outreach events
Engineering World Health – Smith College Student Chapter (2011 - 2012)
Aided with chartering of Smith College chapter
Sample Science and Technical Resumes – Smith College Lazarus Center for Development


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