Pharmacy Confidentiality Agreement Page 2


budgets, performance reports, financial information and marketing
information of the Pharmacy Business, and any technical data, ideas,
concepts or trade secrets originating with the Pharmacy Business, but
information which becomes (or has prior to the date of this
Agreement become) lawfully available to the Pharmacist from a
source other than PBS and without breach of this Agreement by
another party;
information which has become available to the Pharmacist by
his inspection or analysis of products and services generally
available in the market;
information which is within the public domain other than by
reason of any breach of this Agreement by the Pharmacist;
information, disclosure of which has been consented to in
writing by PBS; and
any information which is required by the governing law of this
Agreement to be divulged.
“the Termination Date” means the earlier of:-
the date of completion of the purchase of the Pharmacy Business by
the Pharmacist; and
the date of any termination of any negotiations between PBS and the
Pharmacist in respect of the potential purchase of the Pharmacy
In this Agreement, any words importing a gender shall include the
other genders, and any words importing the singular shall include the
plural and vice versa.
PBS and the Pharmacist agree that, immediately following the
execution of this Agreement, they will consult in good faith in order
that the Approved Purpose might be explored and implemented.
PBS agrees with the Pharmacist to provide to the Pharmacist from the
date of this Agreement until the Termination Date such of the


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