Clta Form 114-06 - Endorsement Attached To Policy No. Issued By First Blank Title Insurance Company


CLTA Form 114-06 (03-09-07)
ALTA - Lender
Attached to Policy No.
Issued by
First Blank Title Insurance Company, a ___________ corporation, Second Blank
Title Insurance Company, a __________ corporation, and Third Blank Title Insurance
Company, a __________corporation, (herein referred to individually as the “Insurer” or
jointly as the “Insurers”) join as Insurers under that certain policy of title insurance issued
by First Blank Title Insurance Company under its No. _____, to which this endorsement is
Anything in this policy notwithstanding, each of the Insurers respectively shall be
liable only for such proportion of loss for which the Insurers may become liable under the
policy and costs which the Insurers are obligated to pay under the Conditions of the policy,
in the proportion of the amount set forth for each Insurer below to the face amount of the
Total liability is allocated among the Insurers as follows:
First Blank Title Insurance Company ............. $
Second Blank Title Insurance Company ...........$
Third Blank Title Insurance Company .............$
Wherever, in the policy, the term "the Company" is used, such term shall be
interpreted to mean the Insurers; where proper, the singular number shall be deemed to
include the plural.
Paragraph number 17 of the Conditions of said policy is hereby amended to read as
All notices required to be given the Insurers and any statement in writing
required to be furnished the Insurers shall be addressed to each of the
Insurers at its Home Office, as follows:
First Blank Title Insurance Company
(street address)
(city, state, zip code)
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