Daily Log Sheet Page 3


Patient/Family Centered Care
Patient cognitive/developmental age:
List 2 developmental interventions that you did for your patient:
Who was present at the child’s bedside? (Name and relation to the child)
List one intervention that you did for the family:
What cultural issues did you identify as having a possible impact on this family?
List any economic/political factors that might have an impact on your child’s care or ability to develop
Asked the parent(s) if they needed information on anything related to their child’s care? _______
(This should be asked daily if parents are present.)
List learning needs identified for your patient/family:
How were teaching needs met?
(Reminder – any patient/parent teaching must be verified with the clinical instructor prior to
List community resources that might be beneficial to your patient/family:
Were you able to get a referral or share this information with the family or healthcare team?
Interdisciplinary Team
Participated (by either listening or verbally contributing) in your patient’s clinical rounds?
Rounding times on my unit:
(Students are expected to participate in rounds.)
Briefly describe information discussed in pt rounds:
List other healthcare team members with whom you interacted and give brief description of


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