Employee Discipline Form


Employee Discipline Form
Employee’s Name:__________________________________________
Job Title:__________________________________________________
What action will be taken against the employee?
Description of Incident:
 Poor Attitude
 Poor Performance
 Improper Behavior
 Late/Tardy: by how much?
 Yes  No
Has the impropriety of the employee’s actions been explained to the employee?
 Absence
 Other:
 Yes
 No
Did the employee offer any explanation for the conduct?
- If so, what was it?
Recommended Improvements:
Date & Time of Incident:_______________________________
Consequences of future violations:
Location of Incident:__________________________________
Name of Officer preparing report:_________________________________________________
Witnesses to Incident:________________________________
Signature of Officer____________________________________________________________
 Yes
 No
Was this incident in violation of a co. policy?
- If yes, specify which policy and how it was violated:
(Employee) My signature indicates I have received and understand this disciplinary action.
Employee Signature:______________________________________ Date__________


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