Waiver Of Liability Form - The Round Hill Highland Games


I, the undersigned, acknowledge that I voluntarily and of my own free will elect to attend or
participate (and/or allow my minor child to attend or participate) as a competitor in the Round
Hill Highland Games. I agree and understand that there are certain risks and hazards involved
in competing, including, but not limited to, those hazards associated with weather conditions,
collision with other participants, observers and stationary objects, all of which can cause serious
injury or death to me and to others. Further, I agree that in consideration for the right to
compete (or allow my minor child to compete) in the Round Hill Highland Games, I voluntarily
elect and solely accept all risks of damage and injury incurred or suffered by me or my minor
child while participating as a competitor, during practice or competition, or while in a non-
competitive capacity as an observer or attendee, on or upon the premises where the Round Hill
Highland Games are held.
I hereby for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, waive, discharge and release any
and all rights and claims I may have for damages against Round Hill Highland Games Inc., their
officers, agents and representatives, the Town of Salisbury, Connecticut, and Lime Rock Park
Inc., the owners of the property on which the Games are held, its owners, employees and
volunteers, for any injuries which may be suffered by me during the Round Hill Highland
Games. I further agree to hold harmless and fully indemnify the parties hereby released from
any claims, damages, costs, including attorneys’ fees, and cause of action which may arise from
any claim or cause of action made by me, through me or on my behalf, even if the damages,
injuries or death are caused in whole or in part by any of the parties or entities hereby released.
By choosing to attend or compete in the Round Hill Highland Games (and/or allow my minor
child to attend or compete), I hereby grant permission to Round Hill Highland Games Inc. to
utilize my appearance and likeness, and that of my minor children, including without limitation
any related publicity and promotions, in any and all media in perpetuity, in consideration only of
my or my minor child’s appearance in the photographs. I hereby give my permission for such
photographs to be edited in the sole discretion of Round Hill Highland Games Inc., and as an
express release of Round Hill Highland Games Inc. and its agents from and against any and all
claims for invasion of privacy, defamation or any other cause of action arising out of production,
distribution, broadcast or exhibition of the photographs.
A parent must sign for a competitor who is less than 18 years of age.
Competitor’s Name ______________________________________________________
Signature _______________________________________________________________
Name of Person Signing for minor Competitor _________________________________
Relationship of Person Signing (SELF / PARENT) Date ___________________________
Competition Event ___________________________ Fee Enclosed $ ______________


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