Post-Observation Conference Report- Formal Observation #3


SLO training 2015
Middle School POCR
Montgomery County Public Schools
Post-Observation Conference Report- Formal Observation #3
Teacher: Ms. Eagle
Date: 3/25/XX
Time: 8:00-9:25
Grade Level: 6
School: Cesar Chavez Middle School
Observer: Ms. Observer
Conference Date : 3/25/XX
Ms. Eagle is a first year teacher working full-time at Cesar Chavez Middle School. She earned a B.A. from
McDaniel College and is certified to teach English and Theater, Grades 6-12. She has student teaching
experience in Carroll County. For this unannounced observation, Ms. Eagle taught her first period Reading
class, with thirteen students, including nine males and four females. The lesson was from the MCPS
Reading curriculum unit 3, Triumphs-Biographies and Autobiographies. The bell schedule was running a bit
behind that morning due to an accident on the main road. This lesson was directly aligned with the teacher’s
SLO targets.
The objective was posted and stated. “SWBAT assess their writing on formative 3 using an exemplar.” The
language objective was posted and stated as well, “Practice using vocabulary words from units 1-4.”
Students viewed announcements and had breakfast. Ms. Eagle then began class by framing the lesson. Next,
she reviewed for an upcoming vocabulary test by taking a practice quiz using the Activote system. Then she
assigned the writing portion of formative 3. Afterwards, Ms. Eagle shared an exemplar for analysis. Moving
on, she reviewed the class standards for oral presentations on the research of a famous person. While students
presented, the class had to complete a capture sheet to write down facts that they learned. The lesson was
planned and delivered for mastery and data was collected, informally and formally. The teacher shared the
data that all students were able to identify at least two upgrades to their writing in order to improve their
scores on the written portion of the English formative.
Standard I: Teachers are committed to students and their learning.
Ms. Eagle effectively held students accountable for work and behavior.
 She passed out the new reading logs. “Write down at the top when these are due. Tuesday, April 1
the first reading log of the new quarter.”
 She posted due dates on the screen and reminded students, “Tomorrow is the last day to turn in any
missing work”.
 Students began delivering oral presentations to the class. She reminded them, “Let’s be a respectful
 Capture sheets were filled in during presentations.
As a result, students rose to the level of high standards that were set for them.
Standard II: Teachers know the subjects they teach and how to teach those subjects.
Ms. Eagle skillfully provided prompt and specific feedback.
 During a practice quiz, she went over the correct answers as well as explaining why the other choices
were wrong. “What does that word mean? Right, the exact definition that we studied. What is an
anton again? Why doesn’t this one fit”?
 Using Activotes, she displayed the results and clarified answers.
 During the oral presentations, Ms. Eagle took notes on each rubric to provide comments along with
the grade. “Remember to comment on their whole life and not just childhood. Be sure to speak louder.
#6 was missing. Good eye contact.”


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