Child Care Authorization Form


Child Care (Baby-Sitter) Authorization Form
DATE: __________________________________________________________________
NAME OF PARENT/GUARDIAN:_______________________________________________
EMERGENCY CONTACT PERSON:___________________________________________
PHONE NUMBER:_____________________(H) _______________________________(W)
NAME OF CHILD CARE PROVIDER (Baby-Sitter):_______________________________
Names of Children:
1.________________________________________ Age: ________________________
2.________________________________________ Age: ________________________
3________________________________________ Age: ________________________
__________________________ is authorized to care for my children at the Fox Mill Swim
I give permission for the children listed above to receive emergency medical treatment in the
event that I cannot be contacted. The Fox Mill Swim Club will not be held responsible for any loss
of property or any type of personal injury.
Signed: _________________________________ Date: _______________________
NOTE: Since the pool cannot be a party to anything which would distract sitters from their
appointed duties, sitters may not swim except to accompany children into the pool in a teaching
role. The sitter must be familiar with pool rules, a competent swimmer, and a reliable person. A
baby-sitter may supervise a maximum of three children. Members are responsible for the
conduct of their children who attend the pool accompanied by a baby-sitter, as well as for the
conduct of the selected baby-sitter. It is the member's responsibility to ensure that the pool
management has an accurate phone number to reach the parents or authorized individual.
Print and complete application form and return to the pool office.


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