Instructions For Using College Financial Planning Worksheets Page 2


What are “Hidden Costs”?
Many expenses occur on a regular monthly basis. Examples of these are housing, utility bills, and food costs. However,
every household experiences periodic or non-monthly costs that are “hidden” from the monthly look at your income
and expenses.
Examples of hidden costs could include costs at the beginning of school or a semester, car tags and taxes, expenses for
birthdays or holidays, trips that occur a few times per year, and perhaps many others. Everyone experiences hidden
costs and everyone has a different list. If you plan for your hidden costs you will be able to determine how much money
that needs to be set aside for expenses that cause some household “budgets” to fail.
You will see the Hidden Cost column on the expense tracking spreadsheet. The challenge is to estimate your yearly
hidden costs, add them together, and then divide that total by 12 so that you’ll know what your average amount for
hidden costs is every month. That’s the easy part. Now put that figure on the $_____ line at the top of the hidden cost
column. For example if someone found their yearly hidden costs were $1,200 then their monthly figure would be $100.
The real challenge is to find a way to set aside your hidden costs figure every month, perhaps in a separate savings
account. Record the date or dates of the month, on the expense tracking spreadsheet, that you set aside money to the
hidden cost fund. Try to set aside the amount you’ve written at the top of the column every month. This is not an
emergency fund. Emergencies are events that you can’t plan for but happen to everyone. Other funds set aside in
savings should be for emergencies. Make a list of your hidden costs here:
Hidden Cost - Name
Hidden Cost - Amount
Total Costs for the Year
Divide the Total by 12
________________________ This is the amount you need to
set aside every month. Put this amount at the top of the Hidden Cost column on the expense tracking spreadsheet.


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