Hartland High School 13/14 Service Learning/community Service Record Page 2


Volunteer: A person who renders aid, performs a service, or assumes an
obligation voluntarily that benefits at least one other unrelated person, and for
which the student does not receive monetary compensation.
Service: An act of assistance or benefit to another or others.
Community Service: “An act of assistance or benefit to another or others, it is implied
that the service be for persons unrelated to the student, and is for charitable rather than political purposes.
Further, the resolution defines community service as performed voluntarily, so the student may not be
financially compensated for the service (working athletic events whereby money is placed into team’s
account), excluding regular extracurricular activities such as athletics, band, choir, etc. Simply belonging
to a service oriented organization or club does not count but the actual community service activities they
perform would count (ex. raise money for a local charity).”
ELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES: (include but are not limited to)
 Reading to children in the elementary grades.
 Tutoring a fellow student or younger student.
Mentoring younger children.
 Participating in activities that encourage middle school children to prepare for college.
 Volunteering at a hospital, nursing home, etc.
 Service performed as a requirement for membership in National Honor Society or similar
 Serving others in a manner not associated with a community service organization (e.g., helping an
elderly neighbor not related to the student do grocery shopping each week, lawn care, etc.).
 Working with a church group to build a shelter for residents of an impoverished community, either
locally or in some other state or country.
 Performing with the school band or choir at a local retirement center for which no admission fee is
charged and whose sole purpose is to entertain the elderly.
 Planning and participating in a bake sale, car wash, or similar activity with fellow students to raise
money for a local charity.
 Helping with activities at the elementary (CSE, LES, RES, VES), Farms, Ore Creek schools.
Community service or volunteering is meant to benefit the community, the following (not limited to)
will not count for community service:
Fund raisers for sport teams, classes, clubs, or community programs that use funds for the
betterment of the organization.
Singing in the church choir.
Taking care of pets.
Childcare for family members.
Housework or yard work for family.
“Cleaning my closet & giving away my clothes.” (Family responsibility)
ELIGIBILITY – Students are encouraged to consult with Career Center staff about the eligibility
of an activity not listed above. Do NOT assume that your community service hours will automatically
RECORD KEEPING – Students need to understand that they must complete the required Service
Learning/Community Service Record form and turn into the Career Center.
submitted beyond the deadline will be applied to the following school year
DISCLAIMER – Hartland High School may, at its discretion and at any time, modify this policy
Students must submit completed community service forms to the Career Center before May 1st
of the current school year.
Hours submitted beyond the deadline will be applied to the following
school year.


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