Student Harassment Complaint Form


Calhoun County Board of Education
Student / Parent Complaint Form
This form may be used as part of the Board's Complaint / Grievance Procedure by students and parents
who wish to initiate a formal written complaint involving violations of the Board's Policy for Prevention of
Student Harassment, Sexual Discrimination and Harassment Policy, Racial Harassment Policy, or other
violations of law or policy directly affecting the rights of the complaining party.
Date: __________________________ School: _____________________________________________
Name of Student / Complaining Party: ____________________________________________________
Parents: ____________________________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________________
Telephone: Home _____________________________ Cell / Other _____________________________
Does this complaint involve physical violence or the threat of physical violence or injury? ___No ___Yes
Has there been a threat of suicide in connection with this incident / complaint?
___No ___Yes
If yes, please provide additional details.____________________________________________________
Provide a complete description / explanation of the complaint, including the date of the incident on which
the complaint is based, names of students or others responsible or involved in the incident, names of
witnesses, and all other relevant facts. Use the back or attach additional paper as needed.
Describe any earlier efforts to resolve this matter or the reasons no such efforts were pursued.
What specific remedy or corrective action are you seeking?
Student Signature
Parent Signature


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