Admission Application Form - Eei School Of Jazz & Contemporary Music Page 2


Principal Instrument:
Intended Field of Study at EEI Music:
☐ Instrument: drums
☐ Instrument: piano / keyboard
☐ Instrument: woodwinds or brass (
) List your Instr.
☐ Instrument: guitar (electric / acoustic) circle one or two
☐ Vocal
☐ Instrument: bass (electric / upright) circle one or two
☐ Composition
Fall _______________(year)
Spring _____________(year)
Planning to Enter:
Please list all instruments you play:
Please list all musical awards and achievements:
Please check of all that you have or are currently building experiences in:
☐ Private Lessons
☐ Chamber Music
☐ None of the above
☐ Precollege
☐ Music Theory
☐ Band
☐ Music Technology
☐ Orchestra
☐ Music Camp
☐ Choir
☐ Improvisation
Please provide details about your above experiences:
For example, if you have taken private lessons – with whom and for how long? Which precollege did you attend? What ensembles have you worked with? Etc.
Applicants must submit two videos of their performance in different rhythms or genres. The length of each video must be at least 2.5 minutes, but
no more than 5 minutes long. The applicant’s face must in the video. The video must be sent through a link.
If the applicant is interested in the music composition program, please send two of your original songs recorded live or through MIDI. The file
must be in mp3 format, and all songs need to be sent with a music chart in pdf file.
Send all video links and recordings to:
Audition’s Song Titles and Composers:
The statements and information furnished by the undersigned in this application form are true and complete.
The undersigned applicant’s parent(s)/guardian(s) give permission for representatives of the sending school to release the applicant’s records
including, grades, attendance, conduct/discipline records, as well as any other pertinent information that may be required by EEI Music for the
purpose of admission.
Our signatures certify that we have read and agree with the above statements.
Signature of Student: ____________________________________________________________ Date: _________________
Signature of Parent/Guardian: ____________________________________________________ Date: _________________
EEI School of Jazz & Contemporary Music – Admissions


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