The Center for
Therapeutic Learning and Communication, PLLC
Parent Goal-Setting Form
Therapist Name: ______________________________________________________
Please indicate below 5 or 6 goals you would like to see your child achieve in the next ____________
_______________________. Think about what you would like your child to be able to do/ or have
accomplished at the end of that time period. Below are various areas of function that OT services may
Of Priority
impact upon.
(rate 1-
Ratings for Rank Order of Priority: 1= Most Important to You 5 =Least Important to You
Body and Sensory Functions:
This area includes changes in sensory functioning such as decreasing tactile
defensiveness, improving force control; and body functions such as sitting posture, coordination or balance.
This area includes those tasks or activities engaged in or performed by the child and includes specific
skills like writing, dressing, or throwing or catching a ball.
This area includes the child’s ability to engage in or be involved in life situations such as going to
birthday parties, going out to restaurants, participating in team sports or playdates.
This area includes aspects of the context or environment which the parents must adapt or control
in order for the child to function such as needing to structure playdates, having to vacuum only when the child is
out of the house, cutting nails when the child is asleep, or needing to bring food to a restaurant.