, L
Study Abroad Goal Setting Form
(Complete this form as best you can and bring it to your study abroad information session.)
Name: ____________________________________
NSHE ID: _________________________
Major: _______________________ Minor: _______________________ GPA: ________________
Rebel Mail: _________________________________
Mobile: __________________________
1. Are you interested in studying in an English-speaking country, such as
□ Yes □ No
Australia, Canada, England, Ghana, Ireland, New Zealand, or Scotland?
2. Are you interested in studying in a foreign language-speaking country?
□ Yes □ No
a. While there, would you be open to studying that language?
□ Yes □ No
b. Do you speak any foreign languages already? If so, list here:
□ Yes □ No
c. Some foreign language programs offer culture classes, electives,
□ Yes □ No
general education courses, and various major classes taught in English.
If your major classes are not taught in English, would you still want to
go for the experience and language learning anyway?
3. If you are proficient in the language of the host country, would you like to
□ Yes □ No
apply for an internship in addition to your classes?
4. Given the above, would you prefer to study in an English-speaking country or a foreign
language-speaking country? __________________________________________
Circle any terms below that you are considering for your possible study abroad:
Academic Year / Fall Semester / Spring Semester / Summer / Winter Break
5. List the obstacles you may have to address as you prepare to study abroad. What could keep
you from going?
6. Why do you want to study abroad? What are your goals?
Box 456012
4505 South Maryland Parkway
Las Vegas, NV 89154-6012
702-895-3896 • Fax 702-895-4147