Sample Email/letter To Family, Friends, Neighbors & Greeting Card List Page 4


Sample Emails and Letters
Thank You Email/Letter
Dear <Generous Sponsor>,
Thank you so much for supporting me in this year’s Step Out: Walk to Fight Diabetes! The walk
was a rewarding experience and a great time! Because of your generosity and support, the
American Diabetes Association can fund much needed community-based education programs,
protect the rights of people with diabetes and fund critical research for a cure.
Approximately <NUMBER> participants took part in the walk and we raised <$TOTAL
RAISED>! Those dollars will support the vital research, programs and advocacy efforts that the
American Diabetes Association provides to the 23.6 million Americans living with diabetes and
their families.
Thanks again for your help and support. Together we can stop diabetes. One step at a time.
The mission of the American Diabetes Association is to prevent and cure diabetes
and to improve the lives of all people affected by diabetes.


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