An Example Of An Email Message Student Is Absent From Class And Would Like To Know What Was Missed Page 2


Suggestions of Things
to Include in an Email Message Regarding Missing a Class:
Using a phrase “Sorry I missed some of your classes”. Professors are not looking for an apology. They want to
see how you will demonstrate proactively in getting the material that was discussed in class.
2. Blaming phrases “They should give us better food at school.” Professors understand student get sick, so do they,
but the key again is in demonstrating responsibility for the absence.
3. Suggestions on how to grade material missed. It is at the professor’s discretion regarding what will happen if you
miss a quiz or a test or were not able to turn in graded work. Acknowledging the fact you missed a quiz is OK but
should not give the suggestion that the next quiz should be doubled.
4. Do not be surprised if a professor asks you to provide documentation regarding your absence. Too many students
have abused this excuse so now students today are being required to show some type of proof.
5. Do not use the phrase “Did I miss anything important?” Common sense should lead you to why that sentence
should not be used.


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