An Example Of An Email Message Student Is Absent From Class And Would Like To Know What Was Missed


An Example of an Email Message
Student is Absent from Class and Would Like to Know What Was Missed
Emily Jones is requesting a meeting with her Biology professor to go over the work that she missed due to
Suggestions of Things to Include in an Email Message Regarding Missing a Class:
1. Send an email message if at all possible prior to the class indicating you are not feeling well.
2. If you can’t send an email message prior to the class, then send a message as soon as possible,
acknowledging your absence from class.
3. You do not have to go into great detail regarding the reason for your absence. Just the acknowledgment
(taking responsibility) of not being in class is enough.
4. Be detailed with dates of your absence, specifically when you are coming by their office to receive
information, dates on when you plan to return to the classroom, etc.
5. Use “I” statements in regards to how you are taking responsibility for missed class notes, handouts, etc.
Example of a Professional Email Message:
Subject Line: Emily Jones – BIO 1020 – Missed Class
In response to missing a class:
Dear Professor Smith,
I was unable to attend Biology class yesterday (Tuesday, August 30). I understand from a classmate that a
handout regarding the next lab assignment was distributed. The syllabus indicates that your office hours are
between 1:00 - 3:00 pm on Wednesdays. Would you be available in your office this Wednesday so I can receive
the lab assignment and ask for clarification on the material presented in class? I appreciate your time and look
forward to speaking with you soon.
Thank you,
Emily Jones
Biology 1020 – Tuesday and Thursday 11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Example of a Poorly Written Email Message:
Hi Mr. Smith,
Sorry I missed some of your classes Biology classes but I was sick with a stomach ache for the last two weeks. Yeah,
sucked to be me
. I hope this doesn’t mess with my grade too much cause it wasn’t my fault that I was sick. They should
give us better food at school. I don’t have a doctor’s note because I was just taking over the counter stuff and didn’t need
a prescription for them. I feel a lot better and should be back real soon. Just dropping a line to let you know. Hope I
didn’t miss too much.
Thanks, Em


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