Parental Consent And Student Medical Information For School Trips Page 2


Parent/Guardian Name __________________________________________ Day Phone (
) ____________________________
Home Address_________________________________________________ Evening Phone (
) _________________________
Emergency Contact_____________________________________________ Emergency Phone (
) ______________________
Name of Insurance Company_______________________________________
Policy #____________________________________
School Trip Health Information
In the event that the routine medical needs of any student attending the school trip cannot be met by school employees, a licensed
nurse may be required to attend. Parents of students with medical needs will be contacted directly by the assigned school nurse.
In the event of an accident or emergency, the below information may also be provided to emergency medical providers as needed.
Student has no medication(s) and/or needs no medical assistance during this school trip
Student requires medication(s) and/or medical assistance during this school trip (*complete information below)
Parent/Guardian will be attending the school trip and will provide medication(s) and/or medical assistance for this student
*List all daily and emergency medications (including dosage and time taken) that will be needed during this school trip
Does the student require medical assistance, other than the administration of medication(s)?
If yes, describe: _______________________________________________________________________________________
List all allergies:
This form must be kept with school officials at all times during the school trip.
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Revised 8/24/15


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