Examples of Possible Community Service Activities:
Assisting at Boys or Girls Clubs
Working with Habitat for Humanity
School sponsored tutoring
Helping with beautification or clean-up programs
Helping at a hospital, convalescent home, or orphanage
Helping a non-profit organization such as St. Vincent de
Assisting with City Parks & Recreation Programs
Paul, Salvation Army, or Goodwill etc.
Helping with sports events of younger children
Giving blood (2 hours credit each time blood is given)
Helping with a non-profit community sports team
Working with a political campaign
Helping at a Key Club or community event
Working as an unpaid poll worker on Election Day
Helping at activities sponsored by a religious institution
Working with community theater
3. To be completed AFTER performance of the community service activity:
Write a “reflection” on your community service involvement that addresses the following ideas:
Explain the purpose or mission statement of the organization you served.
How did your work benefit the community?
Reflect on how this affected you personally, including how you felt about the service and yourself.
Student Signature: _____________________________________________________________Date:_____________________
4. To be signed AFTER the student has completed all the requirements of this form:
Parent/Guardian Validation: I, the parent/guardian of the above-named student, certify that my son/daughter performed the
described community service at the times listed above.
Parent/Guardian Signature: ________________________________________________________Date:___________________
Social Science Teacher’s Signature as Verification that the hours are accepted and submitted to the school records:
Teacher’s Signature: _____________________________________________________________Date:___________________
Student should have two copies of this form: one for the teacher and one to keep in the student’s personal records.
Revised Form - May 2013.