Instructions For Form 4720 (2015) Page 15


8886-T, Disclosure by Tax-Exempt
because of the donor's status as a
Schedule K—Taxes on
Entity Regarding Prohibited Tax Shelter
Taxable Distributions of
Transaction, for more information.
Exception. A donor advised fund
Sponsoring Organizations
Allocation of net income and pro­
does not include:
ceeds to a tax year. The net income
Maintaining Donor
1. A fund or account that makes
and proceeds attributable to a
Advised Funds (Section
distributions only to a single identified
prohibited tax shelter transaction must
organization or governmental entity, or
be allocated to a particular tax year in a
2. Any fund or account for a person
manner consistent with the entity's
General Instructions
described in 3 under Donor advised
established method of accounting for
fund (DAF) that gives advice about
federal income tax purposes. If an entity
Requirement. Complete Schedule K if
which individuals receive grants for
has not established a method of
you answered “Yes,” to question 9a in
travel, study, or similar purposes, if:
accounting for federal income tax
Part V of Form 990, or if you are a fund
a. The person's advisory privileges
purposes, the entity must use the cash
manager of a sponsoring organization
are performed exclusively by such
receipts and disbursements method to
who agreed to the making of a taxable
person in their capacity as a committee
determine the amount and timing of net
distribution knowing that it was a taxable
member of which all the committee
income and proceeds attributable to a
distribution. Report each taxable
members are appointed by the
prohibited tax shelter transaction.
distribution separately. These terms are
sponsoring organization,
discussed below.
If an entity has an established
b. No combination of persons with
method of accounting other than the
Taxable distribution. A taxable
advisory privileges, described in 3
cash method, the entity may use the
distribution is any distribution from a
under DAF, or persons related to those
cash method to determine the amount
donor advised fund to any natural
in 3 under DAF, directly or indirectly
of the net income and proceeds
person or to any other person if:
control the committee, and
attributable to a prohibited tax shelter
1. The distribution is for any
c. All grants from the fund or
purpose other than one specified in
account are awarded on an objective
Specific Instructions
section 170(c)(2)(B), or
and nondiscriminatory basis according
2. The sponsoring organization
Part I. Complete this part for each
to a procedure approved in advance by
maintaining the donor advised fund
transaction if during the tax year, the
the board of directors of the sponsoring
does not exercise expenditure
entity received proceeds from or has net
organization. The procedure must be
responsibility with respect to such
income attributable to a PTST.
designed to ensure that all grants meet
distribution in accordance with section
the requirements of section 4945(g)(1),
Figure the tax for each transaction as
(2), or (3).
If column (e) was answered “Yes,”
However, a taxable distribution does
Tax on sponsoring organization. A
then enter the larger of the column (f) or
not include a distribution from a donor
tax of 20% of the amount of each
column (g) amount in column (h).
advised fund to:
taxable distribution is imposed on the
If column (e) was answered “No,”
1. Any organization described in
sponsoring organization.
then multiply the larger of the amount in
section 170(b)(1)(A) (other than a
column (f) or column (g) by 35% (.35)
Tax on fund manager. If a tax is
disqualified supporting organization),
and enter the result in column (h).
imposed on a taxable distribution of the
2. The sponsoring organization of
sponsoring organization, a tax of 5% of
After the tax has been figured for all
such donor advised fund, or
the distribution will be imposed on any
PTSTs entered on Schedule J, then
3. Any other donor advised fund.
fund manager who agreed to the
total column (h) and enter the amount
distribution knowing that it was a taxable
on the Total line and on line 9 of Part I.
Sponsoring organization. A
distribution. Any fund manager who took
sponsoring organization is a section
Part II. Enter in column (a) the names
part in the distribution and is liable for
170(c) organization that is not a
of all entity managers who approved the
the tax must pay the tax. The maximum
government organization (as referred to
entity as (or otherwise caused the entity
amount of tax on all fund managers for
in section 170(c)(1) and (2)(A)) or a
to be) a party to a PTST at any time
any one taxable distribution is $10,000.
private foundation and maintains one or
during the tax year and who knew or
If more than one fund manager is liable
more donor advised funds.
had reason to know that the transaction
for tax on a taxable distribution, all such
is a PTST.
managers are jointly and severally liable
Donor advised fund. A donor advised
for the tax.
Carry the total amount in column (d)
fund is a fund or account:
for each manager to Part II-A, column
1. Which is separately identified by
Specific Instructions
reference to contributions of a donor or
Part I. Complete this part for all taxable
2. Which is owned and controlled by
Part II. Enter in column (a) the names
a sponsoring organization, and
of all fund managers who agreed to
3. For which the donor (or any
make the taxable distribution. If more
person appointed or designated by the
than one fund manager is listed in
donor) has or expects to have advisory
column (a) for one distribution, each is
privileges concerning the distribution or
individually liable for the entire tax in
investment of the funds held in the
connection with that distribution.
donor advised funds or accounts
Instructions for Form 4720 (2015)


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