Mock Interview - Feedback Form Riverside Planning 10 Page 2


10. Expresses work values, explaining why job is wanted _______
11. Makes known abilities relevant to the job being sought _______
12. Relates past achievements to skills needed for the job _______
13. Demonstrates interest and enthusiasm for the job _______
14. Answers interviewer’s questions with confidence _______
15. Neutralizes weaknesses or turns them into positives _______
16. Avoids flat “yes” or “no” answers to questions _______
17. Thanks interviewer by name for the interview _______
Total Points: ________
28 - 34 points: You’re hired!!!
22 - 27 points: You may get the job, but other candidates are in the running too!
14 - 21 points: Your getting the job is doubtful, you need more interview practice.
7 - 13 points: Not likely to get the job; much more interview practice is needed.
0 - 6 points: No job; you definitely need to do much more work with preparing and planning for
job interviews and career planning in general.


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