Mock Interview - Feedback Form Riverside Planning 10


Mock Interview – Feedback Form
Riverside Planning 10
Applicant: _________________________ Teacher:
Interviewer: ________________________
2 points - Excellent or good
1 point - Fair, needs improvement
0 points - Poor, needs much improvement
1. Gives feeling of optimism and energy _______
2. Has completed a resume ________
3. Is groomed well, is neatly and appropriately dressed _______
4. Talks clearly and distinctly, words are not mumbled _______
5. Handshake is firm and professional _______
6. Sits squarely in chair, has good posture _______
7. Maintains open position (arms not crossed and so on) _______
8. Establishes good eye contact throughout the interview _______
9. Appears relatively relaxed, maintains poise _______


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