Application Form For Work Permit - Ministry Of Defence/ Ministry Of Internal Adminsitration Page 2


13. Passport Details
i. Name as given in the Passport: ...................................………………………………………
ii. Passport Number : ......………………
iii. Country of Issue : ................……………..
iv. Date of Issue : ..…………………..
v Date of Expiry : ......................…………
14. Visa Particulars of Expatriate;
i. Type of visa presently available to stay in Sri Lanka (Entry Visa/ Resident visa)
[Note; Tourist Visas will not be considered for work permit];
.........……………………………………………………………….. .....................................
ii. Date of Issue: ………………....……
iv. Date of Expiry : ……………................….
(Please attach your recently taken photograph in three copies to the application form)
15. Certification of the Expatriate
I certify that the particulars given above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I
understand that my work permit will be cancelled in an event where it is proved to the Sri Lankan
Government that the above particulars are incorrect. I also hereby undertake to stay and work
within the legal and socio-cultural framework of Sri Lanka during the period of stay.
Name of the Expatriate
: ..................................……………………………………………….
Signature of the Expatriate
: ……………………………
Date : ...………………………
Organizational Information
(to be filled by Head of the Organization);
Name of the Organization [NGO]
Address :
.........…………………………………………………………. …………..
Registration Number
Post of the Expatriate
Validity Period of Employment
Condition of Employment (Paid Employee/ Volunteer)
vii. If the applicant is a volunteer, total income per month
US$ .....................................
viii. If paid employee monthly salary and other emoluments being / to be paid to the Expatriate


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