Student Goal Setting Worksheet Page 3


for each content area.
For instance, under Science they might write, “I will complete
my lab reports following all directions this year”.
 After the MAP Assessment is taken in the fall, they should record their scores.
Reflect on where they wanted to be when they predicted their score.
Did they make an
unreasonable prediction? Why/Not?
 Next, have students predict what their spring score might be – they should make a goal
that is reasonable and realistic.
If they used effort, then a small gain is expected,
but if they make the goal too lofty, they are setting themselves up for failure.
will need to coach them on this step using the “expected goal” from the data on the
nwea website.
 At Fall conferences, share the students’ goals and have the parents sign the goal
 Goals should and MUST be visited throughout the school year.
Have student’s keep
their goal sheet and mid-year have them reflect on their written goal.
Questions you
might ask them include:
“Think about your goal and your performance on GLB’s… have
you done what you said you would in your goal?
What do you need to do to ensure you
meet your established goal?
What assistance do you need to ensure you meet your
established goal?
It might even be a good idea or activity to Pair/Share their goals and what
steps they are going to take between now and the Spring test to ensure they
meet their goal.
 In the spring, they should record their scores. Reflect on their year’s
Did they meet their predicted scores? Why/Not?
How might they
improve next year?
 Reflect on their Goal Area’s Written Goals:
Have students reflect on the written
goals they formulated in the fall and reflected on mid-year.
Questions to ask might
What actions led to you either achieving your goal or not achieving your goal?
What goal area gave you the most challenge and why?
What goal area do you feel the
most confident about your progress or achievement and why?


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