Form Mo-1065 - Partnership Return Of Income - 2015 Page 2


Electronic Filing for Partnership Return of Income
Partnerships may file Missouri Form MO-1065 Partnership Return of Income and attachments electronically.
Missouri, in cooperation with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), offers a joint federal and state electronic filing of
partnership return through Modernized E-File (MeF). This system has been developed through a cooperative effort
between the IRS, states, and the software community. The system uses the latest electronic technology and industry
standards. A partnership may visit the Department’s website at
for more
information regarding electronic filing as well as a list of approved vendors that support corporate electronic filing.
MO-1040 and
Form MO-TC
instructions for further information. You
General Information
may also access the information at
This information is for guidance only and does not state the complete
Nonresident Partners
Every partnership, including limited liability companies that are
Who Must File Form MO-1065
treated as a partnership by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), must
Form MO-1065 must be filed, if Federal Form 1065 is required to be
MO-1NR, Income Tax Withheld for Nonresident Individual
filed and the partnership has (1) a partner that is a Missouri resident
Partners or S Corporation Shareholders and send in copies of
or (2) any income derived from Missouri sources,
Section 143.581,
MO-2NR, Statement of Income Tax Payments for Nonresident Individual
Items of income, gain, loss, and deduction derived from, or
Partners or S Corporation Shareholders, if it has non resident individual
connected with, sources within Missouri are those items attributable
partners who do not meet one of the fol low ing exceptions:
to (1) the ownership or disposition of any interest in real or tangible
• the nonresident partner, not otherwise required to file a return,
personal property in Missouri or (2) a business, trade, profession, or
elects to have the Missouri income tax due paid as part of the
occupation carried on in Missouri. Income from intangible personal
partnership’s composite return;
property, to the extent that such property is employed in a business,
• the nonresident partner, not otherwise required to file a return,
trade, profession, or occupation carried on in Missouri, constitutes
had Missouri assignable federal adjusted gross income from the
income derived from sources within Missouri.
partnership of less than twelve hundred ($1,200) dollars;
• the partnership is liquidated or terminated, income was generated
Note: At the time the Department printed their tax booklets, the Internal
by a transaction related to termination or liquidation, and no cash or
Revenue Service had not finalized the federal income tax forms.
prop erty was distributed in the current or prior taxable year.
Short Form — Form MO-1065
A nonresident partner can re quest the partnership be exempt from
If you select “No” on both questions 1 and 2 on Form MO-1065, attach
withholding by filing a com pleted
MO-3NR, Partnership or
a copy of Federal Form 1065 and all its schedules, including Schedule
S Corporation Withholding Exemption or Revocation Agree ment.
K-1. Sign Form MO-1065 and mail the return.
Form MO-1NR must be filed by the due date or extended due date
If you select “Yes” on question 1 on Form MO-1065, Parts 1 and 2
for filing the partnership income tax return. Form MO-3NR must be
must be completed. If you select “Yes” on question 2, Form MO-1065,
filed by the due date for filing the partnership income tax return without
MO-NRP. Attach a copy of Federal Form 1065 and all
regard to an extension of time to file. Forms may be obtained by
its schedules, including Schedule K-1. Sign Form MO-1065 and mail
contacting: Missouri Department of Revenue, Taxation Division, P.O.
the return.
Box 3022, Jefferson City, MO 65105-3022, calling (800) 877-6881
(TTY (800) 735-2966), or visiting the Department’s website at:
When and Where to File
A Missouri partnership return should be completed after the federal
partnership return is completed. The Missouri partnership return is
If you have technical questions concerning the filing of Form MO-1NR
due no later than the 15th day of the 4th month fol low ing the close of
and Form MO-3NR, you may contact the Taxation Division at (573)
the taxable year. For partnerships operating on a calendar year basis,
the partnership return is due on or before April 15. When the due
Partnerships filing a composite return on behalf of their nonresident
date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, the return will be
partners should mark the composite return box on Page 1 of the return.
considered timely if filed on the next business day. Please mail the
The composite return is filed on the Form MO-1040. Complete
return to: Taxation Division, P.O. Box 3000, Jefferson City, MO
instructions can be found on the Department’s website at:
Period Covered by the Return
Form MO-1065, Partnership Return of Income, must cover the same
period as the corresponding Federal Form 1065. Indicate the period
Select the “yes” box for authorization of release of confidential
covered on the front of the return if other than a calendar year.
information for the Director of Revenue or delegate to discuss this
return and attachments with the preparer whose signature appears
Rounding on Missouri Returns
on the Form MO-1065 or to any member of his or her firm. If the
You must round all cents to the nearest whole dollar on your return.
authorization box is selected “no”, or if no box is selected, the Department
For cents .01 through .49, round down to the previous whole dollar
of Revenue can only discuss this return with a partner. Refer to
amount. For cents .50 through .99, round up to the next whole dollar
amount. For your convenience, the zeros have already been placed in
Sign the Return
the cent columns on the returns.
Form MO-1065, Partnership Return of Income, must be signed by one
of the partners of the partnership or one of the members of the joint
Partners may be entitled to tax credits.
These credits must be
venture or other enterprise. Any member or partner, regardless of
allocated to the partners’ percentage of ownership and reported
position, may sign the return.
on the
Form MO-1040,
Individual Income Tax Return. See Form


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