Instruction For Form 1040a - 2015 Page 3


2015 Form 1040A—Lines 12b Through 14b
the exclusion. Report your total distributions on line 12a and
subtract the amount of the qualified rollover. Enter the remain-
the taxable amount on line 12b. Enter “PSO” next to line 12b.
ing amount on line 12b. If the remaining amount is zero and
you have no other distribution to report on line 12b, enter zero
If you are retired on disability and reporting your disability
on line 12b. Also, enter “Rollover” next to line 12b.
pension on line 7, include only the taxable amount on that line
and enter “PSO” and the amount excluded in the space to the
See Pub. 575 for more details on rollovers, including special
left of line 7.
rules that apply to rollovers from designated Roth accounts,
partial rollovers of property, and distributions under qualified
Simplified Method. You must use the Simplified Method if
domestic relations orders.
either of the following applies.
1. Your annuity starting date was after July 1, 1986, and
Lump­sum distributions. If you received a lump-sum distri-
you used this method last year to figure the taxable part.
bution from a profit-sharing or retirement plan, your Form
1099-R should have the “Total distribution” box in box 2b
2. Your annuity starting date was after November 18,
checked. You must use Form 1040 if you owe additional tax
1996, and both of the following apply.
because you received an early distribution from a qualified re-
a. The payments are from a qualified employee plan, a
tirement plan and the total amount wasn't rolled over in a quali-
qualified employee annuity, or a tax-sheltered annuity.
fied rollover. See Pub. 575 to find out if you owe this tax.
b. On your annuity starting date, either you were under age
Enter the total distribution on line 12a and the taxable part
75 or the number of years of guaranteed payments was fewer
on line 12b. For details, see Pub. 575.
than 5. See Pub. 575 for the definition of guaranteed payments.
You may be able to pay less tax on the distribution if
If you must use the Simplified Method, complete the Sim-
you were born before January 2, 1936, or you are the
plified Method Worksheet in these instructions to figure the
beneficiary of a deceased employee who was born be-
taxable part of your pension or annuity. For more details on the
fore January 2, 1936. But you must use Form 1040 to do so.
Simplified Method, see Pub. 575 or Pub. 721 for U.S. Civil
For details, see Form 4972.
Service retirement benefits.
If you received U.S. Civil Service retirement benefits
Line 13
and you chose the alternative annuity option, see
Pub. 721 to figure the taxable part of your annuity.
Unemployment Compensation and Alaska
Don't use the Simplified Method Worksheet in these instruc-
Permanent Fund Dividends
Unemployment compensation. You should receive a Form
Annuity starting date. Your annuity starting date is the later
1099-G showing in box 1 the total unemployment compensa-
of the first day of the first period for which you received a pay-
tion paid to you in 2015. Report this amount on line 13. How-
ment or the date the plan's obligations became fixed.
ever, if you made contributions to a governmental unemploy-
Age (or combined ages) at annuity starting date. If you are
ment compensation program or to a governmental paid family
the retiree, use your age on the annuity starting date. If you are
leave program, reduce the amount you report on line 13 by
the survivor of a retiree, use the retiree's age on his or her an-
those contributions.
nuity starting date. But if your annuity starting date was after
If you received an overpayment of unemployment compen-
1997 and the payments are for your life and that of your benefi-
sation in 2015 and you repaid any of it in 2015, subtract the
ciary, use your combined ages on the annuity starting date.
amount you repaid from the total amount you received. Enter
If you are the beneficiary of an employee who died, see Pub.
the result on line 13. Also, enter “Repaid” and the amount you
575. If there is more than one beneficiary, see Pub. 575 or Pub.
repaid in the space to the left of line 13. If, in 2015, you repaid
721 to figure each beneficiary's taxable amount.
unemployment compensation that you included in gross in-
Cost. Your cost is generally your net investment in the plan as
come in an earlier year, you can deduct the amount repaid. But
of the annuity starting date. It doesn't include pre-tax contribu-
you must use Form 1040 to do so. See Pub. 525 for details.
tions. Your net investment should be shown in box 9b of Form
Alaska Permanent Fund dividends. Include the dividends in
1099-R for the first year you received payments from the plan.
the total on line 13.
Rollovers. Generally, a qualified rollover is a tax-free distri-
Lines 14a and 14b
bution of cash or other assets from one retirement plan that is
contributed to another plan within 60 days of receiving the dis-
tribution. However, a qualified rollover to a Roth IRA or a des-
Social Security Benefits
ignated Roth account is generally not a tax-free distribution.
You should receive a Form SSA-1099 showing in box 3 the to-
Use lines 12a and 12b to report a qualified rollover, including a
tal social security benefits paid to you. Box 4 will show the
direct rollover, from one qualified employer's plan to another
amount of any benefits you repaid in 2015. If you received rail-
or to an IRA or SEP.
road retirement benefits treated as social security, you should
Enter on line 12a the distribution from Form 1099-R, box 1.
receive a Form RRB-1099.
From this amount, subtract any contributions (usually shown in
box 5) that were taxable to you when made. From that result,
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