Board Meeting Agenda Template Page 3


H. Tax Program Nonappearance Matters – Adjudicatory
Tax matters are placed on adjudicatory calendars for the following reasons: petition
previously appeared on a published Board meeting calendar, pulled by staff or Board
Member at a previous Board meeting, or when there has been substantial Board
Member contact with the parties and/or staff. Contribution disclosure forms are
Items G and H: The 10 major categories, with their respective sub-categories, within Items
G and H are:
1. Legal Appeals Matters
 Cases Heard but not Decided (Adjudicatory Calendar only)
 Petitions for Rehearing
 Hearing Notice Sent - No Response-
 Hearing Notice Sent - Appearance Waived
 Hearing Notice Sent - Hearing Request Withdrawn
 Hearing Request Withdrawn
 Memorandum Opinion
 Petition for Release of Seized Property
 Matters for Board Consideration (Adjudicatory Calendar only)
2. Corporate Franchise and Personal Income Tax Matters
 Formal Opinion
 Decisions
 Petitions for Rehearing
 Opinion on Petition for Rehearing
3. Homeowner and Renter Property Tax Assistance Matters
 Decisions
 Petitions for Rehearing
4. Sales and Use Tax Matters
 Redeterminations
 Relief of Penalty
 Denials of Claims for Refund
 Denials of Relief of Penalty
 Rescission of Denial of Refund
5. Sales and Use Tax – Credits & Cancellations and Refunds
 Credits and Cancellations
 Refunds
6. Special Taxes Matters
 Redeterminations
 Relief of Penalty
 Denial of Claims for Refund
 Denial of Relief of Penalty
7. Special Taxes – Credits & Cancellations and Refunds
 Credits and Cancellations
 Refunds
Board Meeting Agenda Template (
Page 3 of 6
Rev. 02/03/15


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