Benevolence Form Application Page 3


asking to pray with them, attempts will be made to give referrals to outside agencies or
other available resources within the community.
Active Members are defined, for the purpose of benevolent assistance, as
persons or families who have completed the Membership Class, actively
worship with the LLC family on weekends, serve in volunteer ministries at LLC
and participate in Life Groups each semester.
Financial Counseling
This ministry is a service to individuals and families to help them become better
managers of the resources with which God has entrusted them. The principle teaching
tool is family budgeting assistance using principles taught through Financial Peace
Financial Counseling, whether in a class or one-on-one setting, will be suggested to
everyone upon their first request for assistance and is a requirement for anyone
requesting assistance more than once.
Upon their second request for assistance, the person requesting funds must agree to
participate in financial coaching. If they are not willing to participate in financial coaching
and counseling, Life Link Church is not able to offer financial assistance. When they
agree to participate, we will provide details of the next class. Life Link’s vision is for
people to become debt free. We’re committed to do all we can to truly help people
achieve this freedom.
Priority response
The primary types of financial assistance provided are: housing, food, essential bills
(gas, electrical, car insurance, and water), and medical crisis. Non-essentials (car
payments, car repairs, phone bills, etc.) will be viewed on a case-by-case request. Debt
service payments (credit cards and loans) are generally not included in financial
assistance. Special consideration will be given to widows and single parent households.
The Benevolence Ministry will also determine whether the Life Group or family of the
individual should be made aware of the need so that they have the opportunity to offer
prayer, encouragement, and assistance. Once determined, if appropriate, permission will
be asked to contact a family member and/or other agencies. We use this to gain
direction and determine how others may assist. Additionally, we may check with debtors
to see whether applicants are habitually late or if this is an isolated situation. The extent
of the church’s financial assistance will be determined by evaluating the circumstances
and being led by the Holy Spirit.
Life Link Church is committed to help move people from getting to gaining to giving, so
we always keep the responsibility for the solution on the person requesting assistance.
When they do commit to help themselves, Life Link Church will respond. This prevents
dependency and moves people towards personal responsibility without the church
having to say “no”.
Our goal is to use Life Link’s resources to build relationships, keep the responsibility with
the person and offer rewards as beneficiaries take steps to change their situation. This


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