Guidelines For Preparing Job Descriptions Page 20


"participate"; explain what is done and how it is done; avoid using uncommon abbreviations or
technical terms without explaining their meaning.
B. Suggestions related to specific questions
Question 1. The duties and responsibilities are facts about the job. WHAT, WHY and HOW.
(i) Describe WHAT the job does. Organize the job into 3 to 5 objectives, called duties. List them
in a logical order (e.g. order of importance to the programme, sequential order, order of time spent
on each duty). Use active verbs, in the present tense.
(ii) Expand each duty statement to include information on the programme and environment,
revealing the scope, complexity or difficulty of the work (WHY it is done).
(iii) Describe the tasks involved or processes for each duty (HOW it is done).
(iv) Indicate the percentage of time spent on each major objective - duty. Percentage of time
should be calculated on an average annual basis. Duties accounting for less than 5 per cent should
not be identified individually, but may be grouped under one duty i.e. "performs other related duties
such as ..." .
Question 2. Indicate the minimum professional qualifications, relevant experience and language(s)
proficiency required in order to perform the job, regardless of the particular qualifications and
experience of the present incumbent.
Question 3. Describe the involvement required of the incumbent in achieving the objectives of the
Question 4. Indicate the scope or diversity of the work (field of specialization) and the depth of
treatment of subject matter that is required.
Question 5. Describe how assignments are given to the incumbent and the nature of the
instructions received (i.e. indication of the results to be obtained, instructions as to the methods of
work, etc.) Explain the type of guidance and assistance provided the supervisor or other persons
in the execution of the work. Indicate what review, verification or other checking is made of the
work while in process or when completed.
Question 6. The term guidelines covers such items as rules, regulations, procedures, manuals,
instructions, laws, relevant publications, past precedents, professional practices, etc.
Question 7. Explain the purpose of contacts as clearly as possible (i.e. to obtain information on...,
to seek funding for..., to commit the organization on..., etc,). Be specific when indicating the
frequency of contacts (i.e. once a year, twice a month, daily and not sometimes or very frequently).


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