Guidelines For Preparing Job Descriptions Page 19


Signed _________________________________________________
The following suggestions, although some may appear obvious, are provided to assist personnel
management specialists, line managers and staff in completing job descriptions of posts in the Professional
and higher categories.
A. General suggestions
The job description form is intended to elicit information about the job, not the incumbent of the
post. Although it is recognized that the incumbent can affect the job, care should be taken to
describe characteristics of the job and not of the incumbent.
The job description should reflect management's decision about the nature and level of work
assigned to a job; it is an official document which should remain valid for some time (3 - 5 years).
Read the form through before starting to complete it.
Collect all pertinent job data by interviewing the incumbent and/or the immediate supervisor,
reviewing the existing job description, observing work in progress, reviewing organizational or
programme materials and/or reviewing job descriptions of similar jobs, supervisor and subordinate
The job description should be written for the average reader. REMEMBER - the job description
has many uses and readers may not be specialists in your field of work.
The job description should be clear and concise: be brief in your replies, while covering the essential
aspects of the job; avoid descriptions of minor duties, avoid repetition, summarize rather than
providing rambling narrative.
Ensure consistency in your answers: in particular, review the statement of duties and responsibilities
(question No. 1) and see that these are consistent with answers provided in the following questions.
Concentrate on outputs or end products (what is produced or what the work leads up to). Write
facts, not appraisals or evaluations of the work.
Describe current work - not work which may have been done at one time in the past.
All verbs should be in the present tense. Avoid ambiguous terms such as "assist", "handle" and


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