Mary Kay Order - Party Coaching Sheet Page 3


Hi! You are receiving this email as you are a special guest at Michele’s Mary Kay Party tomorrow Friday,
June 9
@ 6:00pm.
My name is Terezeja and I am Michele’s Mary Kay Consultant. I am looking forward to meeting with you
on Friday and KNOW that we will have a great time.
I only have one requirement.....that you have fun!! So Friday at 6, it's all about you!
Please take a moment to reply to the questionnaire below via email so that I can be better prepared to
serve you:
Skin Care Profile:
1) I would best describe my skin as:
a. Dry- small pores
b. Normal- smooth skin, balance of oil and moisture, infrequent blemishes
c. Combination- smooth skin, oiliness in T-zone and dryness on outer edges of face
d. Oily- large pores and shiny finish
2) What skin care products/brands are you currently using?
3) My skin tone is:
a. Ivory (fair)
b. Beige (medium)
c. Bronze (dark)
4) What would you like your foundation to do for you?
5) Do you have any special skin concerns? ie. dark circles, dry lips, puffy eyes....etc.
Thank you for taking the time to reply to this email.
I look forward to meeting you!
Immediately after party – send every guest an e-mail and handwritten Thank you
note (even if they didn’t buy anything):
Example note to send to your hostess -
Thank you so much for your help. You and your friends put me closer to my 30
face goal. (include a sincere compliment about her) I so appreciate you and
value you as my customer.


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